Studio Beech specialises in revealing the potential of existing buildings and materials to be adapted for a new purpose. 

Taking a client-centric approach to understand how a space will be inhabited and used, Studio Beech designs harmonious spaces that both function well and make people feel good. 

Conserving resources and reducing waste is imperative - not only to reduce costs but to promote sustainable construction. The studio practices a ‘waste not, want not’ approach to developing structures that acknowledge and embrace our Earth’s shifting conditions.

The design process is informed by a dialogue between the old and the new. By referencing the history of place and materials the architecture retains a strong relationship to the surrounding environment whilst preserving character and charm.


Floating House, London, UK

Transforming a 35 square metre 1960’s navy workboat into a contemporary 4 berth London home.

Casa del Buho, Comares, Spain

Adapting a traditional Spanish house situated in the beautiful Axarquia mountains near Malaga.

The Shelter, Kangerlussuag, Greenland

Architecture residency to design and build a mountain-side shelter from 100% recycled materials.

Net Curtain

Net Curtain, a collaboration with Dan Ripnar, pushes the boundaries of the use of waste materials - being made entirely from the insidious plastic netting used to package food, a bi-product of the intensive production paradigm.

Ceramic tiles

Unique hand-made ceramic bas relief fruit and vegetable tiles to complement a kitchen or restaurant.

General enquiries

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to explore ideas and discuss how to move a project forward.